Scientific Data Web Server Project

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About the project

The CML Server project will set up a specification of the features a CML server must have, and can have. This will be out first priority. But in between we will set up prototypes as well and give demonstrations of these features.

At the recent ChemInt 2000 conference at Georgetown University, Washington D.C., the first prototype was demonstrated. The sheets should be available from the conference website soon. (And from this one as well).

The documentation will be written in:

Qiwi: prototype 0.2

Soon after the demo for prototype 0.1 (the first) is set up development of the second prototype will be developed. The first demo showed some flaws in the desing. The second prototype will have a slightly different design.

Qiwi: prototype 0.1

At the conference the first prototype was demonstrated. This prototype is fully working and has the folowing properties:

  • Server side determination of optimal MIME type in a four-fold way:
    1. detect accepted MIME types reported by browser
    2. add known supported MIME types for this browser/platform
    3. apply user's preferences
    4. apply server administrator's preferences
  • Plugin mechanisme allowing flexibility

The demo included a physical properties database with a CML based data format. Users are shown either a HTML web page or in case of IE 5.x a XML document with an associated XSLT stylesheet.

A second demo included a all-in-one chemical document based on XML technology containing both a chemical 3D structure and a mathematical equation. On Windows machines a HTML web page would be generated from the XML source making use of plugins to show the mathematical and chemical information. For other platform/browser combinations other means are found.

What's going to happen the rest of this year?

In october i will try to find a web host which i can use to setup a fully working 24/7 day demonstration showing Qiwi's ability to do database publishing and publishing of chemical/scientific documents.

Also i will have setup the source code CVS for development and other means for downloading the code.

More information

More information can be found on the SourceForge website. Including:

Last updated on October 13th 2000. Copyright © 2000 Egon Willighagen